Press the shield on the bottom right of your in-game name to access the Guild menu.
From here, you have five choices:
• Displays guild name, guild fame, guild leader, creation date, description, number of members, and whether the guild is public or private.
• Anyone can join public guilds. In private guilds, you can apply, but the leader or a guild mod must accept you.
• You can leave the guild from this menu.
• View members and friends, block or mute them.
• Message them.
• Invite them to a duel, a friendly fight that costs no energy or duration and has no rewards.
• See how many donation points they have.
• Once a day, you can request training items or incubators from other members.
• You can donate as many times a day as you want.
• The guild ranking is based on Fame.
• Fame can be earned by doing daily chores, asynchronous PvP, and PvP.
• Requests from people to join the guild. Mods and leaders can accept them.