Hello, Devicitizens! It’s me, your girl, The Host, bringing you the latest scoop from the Void!

Exciting Nursery Revamp!

Today, we’re thrilled to unveil the fantastic updates to our Nursery. For those new to the game, the Nursery is where you train your Devikid to become a strong adult Devikin. Our goal is to make this process clearer and more user-friendly.

Going from this:

File 720

To this:

Image (62)

Sleek New Interface

We’ve overhauled the Nursery’s visual interface for a smoother experience. The training queue now provides detailed explanations, so you’ll always know what’s next, how much time is left for each item, and you can fast forward if you’re in a hurry. Plus, M.A.D. holders can add more items to the queue, allowing for better training planning.

Monitor Your Devikid’s Mood

Look closely at the image above, and you’ll notice something: you can now always see your Devikid’s mood. Keeping your Devikid happy is crucial for its health and growth, so this feature helps you stay on top of their needs.

Easy Navigation with the Change Devikid Button

For those with multiple Devikids, the new "Change Devikid" button makes it easier to switch between them. This streamlines navigation and ensures you can manage all your Devikids efficiently.

Quick Growth Options

“But Host, I don’t have time to train my Devikids! I want them all adults so I can kick *ss in the Arena!”

No worries, my hasty friend! We’ve added "Grow" and "Max Grow" buttons in a easy place. These options allow you to quickly turn your Devikid into an adult, provided you have the right items.

Enhanced Communication

Finally, we’ve reviewed and updated all text information and communication boxes to provide more clarity on what’s happening.

What Do You Think?

Did we make your life easier or what? Dive in and check out the revamped Nursery! We can’t wait to hear your feedback.