In the in-game store, you can buy items with Voidcoin and subscriptions with fiat money.
There are five sections:
– Here, you will find temporarily discounted items, free gifts, and forge material packs. You purchase these with Void Coin.
Note that forge materials are delivered in containers.
– Xaron’s Favor tokens, pink tickets, weapon restore items, and training items can be purchased here with Void Coin.
– Void Coin can be purchased with both fiat money and DVK.
– You can buy the monthly battlepass here with fiat money. Note that you get a substantial discount if you buy the battlepass and M.A.D. at the same time.
– Here, you can buy the M.A.D. subscription with fiat money. You can also buy discounted items with Void Coins.
If your purchase is not delivered for some reason, email
If it is paid for with fiat money through Google or Apple, include a screenshot of the receipt with the order number, your in-game wallet, and your registered email.
DO NOT TRY AGAIN because it will result in two payments and two deliveries.
Do not cancel or reclaim the order through Apple, Google, or a financial service provider, as this will result in a ban from the game that may take a long time to rectify.